What is APTTA?

APTTA-Logo All Pakistan Tenure Track Faculty Association (APTTA) is a platform where TTS faculty, being top scientists of the country, can interact, coordinate, and organize themselves to discuss the issues related to Tenure Track System (TTS) and play their vital role in national development. The specific motivations for the establishment of APTTA are summarized as follow:

  1. Awareness and support on TTS issues
  2. Contribution to national educational policy and scientific development
  3. A symbol of scientific excellence
  4. Promote interdisciplinary collaboration and representation
  5. A bridge between the TTS faculty and HEC/HEIs/Universities/DAIs/Provincial-HECs

Activities of APPTA

  1. Organize meetings for its members on a regular basis to manage the APTTA, discuss issues of concerns to TTS faculty in their Universities,
  2. Mobilize potential TTS faculty for enhancing science education, national linkages, and mentor-ship.
  3. Provide advisory services to TTS faculty to build their research career potential and promote interdisciplinary research.
  4. Publication on scientific issues of national importance in magazines etc.
  5. Connections between senior TTS faculty with young TTS faculty to work on national interest.

Further details are available in the Constitution of APTTA .